Did you know?
- Crashes are the leading cause of death for children from 3 to 14 years old.
- In 2008, there were nearly 61 million children age 14 and younger in the UnitedStates.
- This age group made up 20 percent of the total U.S. resident population in 2008.
- Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for ages 3 to 14 (based on 2006 figures, which are the latest mortality data currently available from the NationalCenter for Health Statistics).
- In 2008, there were a total of 37,261 traffic fatalities in the United States. The 14-andyounger age group accounted for 4 percent (1,347) of those traffic fatalities. This age group accounted for 3 percent (968) of all vehicle occupant fatalities, 8 percent (193,000) of all the people injured in motor vehicle crashes, and 8 percent (168,000) of all the vehicle occupants injured in crashes. During 2008, fatalities in this age group (1,347) decreased 20 percent from the 1,680 fatalities in 2007.
- Every day in the United States, an average of 4 children age 14 and younger were killed and 529 were injured in motor vehicle crashes during 2008.
- In the 14-and-younger age group, males accounted for 60 percent of the fatalities and 48 percent of those injured in motor vehicle crashes during 2008.
- An estimated 8,959 lives were saved by child restraints from 1975 to 2008. Among children under age 5, an estimated 244 lives were saved in 2008 by restraint use. Of these 244 lives saved, 219 were associated with the use of child safety seats and 25 with the use of adult seat belts.
- At 100 percent child safety seat use for children under age 5, an estimated 323 lives (that is, an additional 79) could have been saved in 2008.
- From 1975 through 2008, an estimated 8,959 lives were saved by child restraints (child safety seats or adult seat belts).
To aid our customers we have asked the Tinton Falls Police Department to come by the dealerships. They conduct safety seat inspections to make sure your seat is the right size, structurally sound, and installed correctly. We will have refreshments and surprises for the kids!
They will be at World Volkswagen on Saturday 9-25-2010 from 9 am to 1 pm.
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